· The football team will be traveling to Slidell Thursday for their first scrimmage of the season. Tickets can be pre-purchased by Slidell. Instructions are on the app.
· There will be fishing team meeting on Thursday, Aug. 22, in the cafeteria at 6:30pm.
· Anyone interested in Wrestling this year see Coach Godso in room 126. There will be a parent meeting Wednesday September 4th in the fieldhouse at 6:00.
· Students, you can now pay for Special Dress Friday’s through the school online payment system. You can pay for only September for $10 or September through December for $30. Payments will close on Friday, August. 23rd. More information is on the app.
· If you would like to join the theater club you can sign up with the QR code on the flyers around campus or by the Wildcat Window. Our first meeting is September 9th afterschool.
Lunch Line: BBQ Chicken Drumstick and Cheesy Potatoes
Next Breakfast Line: Pancake on a Stick