· Anyone interested in the Bass Fishing Team should attend the meeting on Thursday, August 15th in the cafeteria at 6:30pm.
· If you are eligible to order an athletic letterman jacket or patches, and did not order last year, order forms can be picked up from the Annex. Orders will be taken during all 3 lunch shifts on Tuesday, August 20th.
· Every student should now have an ID. Today we will begin giving violations for those not wearing your ID clipped to your collar.
· Today is the first Wildcat Wednesday! T-shirts are still being distributed to those that did not attend orientation. Please do not come to the office looking for a t-shirt. They will be distributed to you before next Wednesday.
· Attention Certified Carpentry Students who have completed Level 1 & 2 Carpentry …You can join the FFA carpentry competition team. If interested, see Mr. Holland in room 5003 THIS week.
· The Back to School Dance is this Friday, August 16th, 7:00-9:30pm in the new gym. This is for Walker High students only and you will need to show an ID at the door. Tickets can be pre-purchased now for $10 each through Tickets will be $12 at the door.
· Seniors portrait proofs have been received and can be picked up during your lunch or before/after school from the Annex (not during class).
Lunch Line: Beef Tacos
Breakfast Line: Breakfast Pizza