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Announcements for Thursday, January 30, 2025



·         Congratulations to the Wrestling team for their win over Central, 64-18.

·         Today the Lady Cats basketball team will play at Live Oak. JV starts at 5:30pm, followed by Varsity.  

·         The eSports Team will be having an “Interest Meeting” today after school in Room 104. The meeting is open to anyone interested in joining the team. Please see Mrs. Rotolo or Mrs. Campoblanco for questions.

·         Tomorrow is the last day to order letterman jackets and patches until May. Orders will be taken in the new gym lobby during all 3 lunch shifts. You must have a pre-approved order form. Order forms can be picked up from the annex and approved by your coach or the athletic director.


·         Valentine's Day packages are now available for purchase at the Cookie Site! Stop by the store, the table outside of the cafeteria on your lunch shift, or visit our website to purchase! Packages start at just $5! Orders close on Wednesday, February 12th.  Students, you are reminded that NO OUTSIDE DELIVERIES ARE ACCEPTED. 

·         Valentines' Day packages are also available for purchase at PJs Coffee of Walker High.  You may walk in to purchase a package or scan the QR code that was sent out in the app and on social media.  Deadline to order is February 12th.  

·         Tutoring opportunities are now available in Algebra I & II, English, Social Studies, Spanish, and Geometry. Please check with your teacher so that you can take advantage of this opportunity.


·         Seniors, if you ordered senior supplies and never picked them up they are at the Wildcat Window!  Please come pick up your items during your lunch shift.  Tomorrow, you can order last-minute supplies and make payments in the Wildcat Gymnasium Lobby during all three lunch shifts.

Be sure to check out the scholarship opportunities that have been posted. There are some upcoming deadlines. You don't want to miss out on these.



Lunch Line:  Cheesy Nachos, refried beans

Next Breakfast:  Homemade Cinnamon Swirl

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