· Any student interested in being part of the track and field team needs to come by the Annex to sign up. Sign-ups will be taken today through Wednesday.
· Today our boys’ basketball team will play at home against Ville Platte. JV will start at 5pm, followed by Varsity.
· The boys’ soccer team will play away today at Denham Springs starting at 6pm.
· Depending on the weather, the girls’ tennis jamboree will be played today at North Park against Denham Springs and Live Oak.
· Congratulations to the wrestling team on a great weekend at the 48th Ken Cole Invitational. Willow Dixon is the 2025 Ken Cole Girls 100lb Champion. Kye Karcher and Bella Carpenter both placed 3rd. Great job to our wrestlers.
· Athletic letterman jackets and patches can be ordered on Friday during all 3 lunch shifts. You must have a pre-approved order form by your coach or the athletic director.
· Today, ‘Pizza and Jesus’ sponsored by our FCA will resume during all lunch shifts in Papa Johns.
· Students, as of today … if you drive to school you must have a parking tag displayed in your vehicle or you will be subject to consequences. Instructions on how to obtain a tag are posted on the APP, on our social media, and was posted to Kinvo. If you have questions come to the annex during your lunch shift.
· Senior supply orders and payments will be taken on Friday in the Wildcat gymnasium lobby during all three lunch shifts.
Lunch Line: Pork chop and sweet potato
Next Breakfast: Grits & Toast
