· Today, our football team will travel to Central. The game starts at 7pm but they encourage you to come early to avoid long lines at the gate. Information on how you can purchase tickets to Friday’s game has been posted on the app and on social media. Come out and support your Wildcats tonight at Central!
· Our volleyball team will be taking part in the Barbe Tri-Match tomorrow. Good luck Lady Cats!
· Today is the last day to purchase Special dress Friday’s for October! The cost is $10. Payments can be made through the online school payment system.
· Don’t forget… today is the deadline to sign up for the next ACT. You can sign up at ACT.ORG.
· Seniors, the make-up session for senior portraits is tomorrow, 9am-noon, in the school cafeteria. Be sure to bring a $20 sitting fee when you come. This is the last opportunity to have your portraits done at school.
Lunch Line: Cheesy Bread
Next Breakfast: French Toast Sticks